
Tips to help you succeed

Our school is a really fun place to be and there are many different ways that you can succeed. Here are just a few suggestions of things you can do:

  1.  Take an active role in all aspects of school life;
  2.  Listen and work hard in lessons;
  3. Join the different activities on offer;
  4.  Do your homework to your full ability and hand it in on time;
  5.  Make sure you arrive at school on time and aim to achieve 100% attendance each year;
  6.  Support the school community;
  7.  Be helpful and kind to others, following The Nower Hill Way.
  8.  Be yourself!.

In school there are lots of different ways that you can challenge yourself and with this in mind, we encourage you to get involved in as many different activities as possible. From sports clubs, to debate club, the school production to exciting school trips – we have it all, you just have to be willing to give things a go!

Click here to view the extra-curricular activities that take place at Nower Hill High School.

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