
Student Health

Medical Services

In common with all  schools, we work closely with our designated medical services. These include immunisation programmes and the assigned School Nursing Services.  We also have our own fully-qualified school nurse and welfare assistant.

Our aim is to support students to remain in school whenever possible.  Please let the Medical Team know if your child has a medical condition which may affect them whilst in school.  You may need to complete a care plan and supply medication if required; please download a copy below if necessary.

Students with asthma and/or allergies should carry their own medication as well as having back-up medication, which will be kept securely in the medical room.

Over the counter medication, such as paracetamol or cough medicine required by a student must be supplied by parents/carers.  Please complete the administration of medication form and return it to the Medical Team. 

If your child has a stomach bug they should remain off school for 48 hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea.  

Please feel free to contact the Medical Team regarding any medical issue concerning your child.

Counselling Services

Nower Hill High School has a student counselling service run by our full-time School Counsellor.  The service is available to students who require professional support with social, developmental, emotional and/or mental health issues.  Students may request an appointment directly through the School Counsellor or can be referred by their Assistant Headteacher.  As a school, we feel that offering our students a confidential space promotes access to a quality service, encourages students to reach out when needed and promotes a whole school awareness of mental health issues.


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