
Useful things to know

The school day

The school day consists of a registration and six taught lessons each of 50 minutes. Once a week, you will also have an assembly during registration time.

The timetable is as follows:


8.45 am – 9.10 am

Period 1:

9.10 am – 10.00 am

Period 2:

10.00 am – 10.50 am


10.50 am – 11.10 am

Period 3:

11.10 am – 12.00 pm

Period 4:

12.00 pm – 12.50 pm


12.50 pm – 1.35 pm

Period 5:

1.35 pm – 2.25 pm

Period 6:

2.25 pm – 3.15 pm


Term dates

Please click here to view the term dates.

Tutor groups

The member of staff who will be most important to you will be your Form Tutor.  They will see you every day for registration, get to know you and help you to feel comfortable and safe during your time in school, so you can put all your effort into working hard in your lessons. They will be one of your go to adults in school.

We plan our twelve tutor groups very carefully, creating a healthy mix of students. We do not put students together based on friendship groups from primary school; we aim to give everybody the opportunity to make new friends and have a fresh start by mixing everyone up.

There will be various inter-form and House competitions throughout the year where you can work together closely with your peers to win house points. So look out for these competitions!

Finding your way around

A school map is given to all new students in their induction booklet and in your Handbook, but if you do get lost there is always someone to help you, just ask! You can also print a school map too.

School Map


It is important that students are always smart and that they are wearing the correct school uniform, as we have the highest expectations.  There are also some general rules about appearance and things that you are not allowed to wear. For more information about the correct school uniform please see the document linked below. If you are unsure of anything please do ask.

School Uniform

Travelling to school

As a healthy school, we encourage all students to walk or cycle to school.  If you want to come to school by bicycle, a secure bicycle rack is provided by the Pinner Road entrance. Please remember to bring a lock for your bike.  For your own safety, we also strongly recommend that you wear a bicycle helmet at all times.

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