
Attendance & Absence


We place great importance on attendance and punctuality to school; not just to avoid missing out on learning, but also to foster good habits for the world of work in years to come. We ask all parents and carers for their support in ensuring that their child attends school regularly and on time. We have an expectation of a minimum of 96% attendance for every child and would also ask that parents ensure that their child arrives at school ready for registration by 8.40am.

Achieving Excellent Attendance and Punctuality

The central role of the curriculum in encouraging excellent attendance is recognised. The curriculum must relate to the needs and abilities of each student within the school.

For each student there are systems within the school to monitor their attendance and punctuality on a weekly basis, with the aim, in all normal circumstances, at attendance rates of 96% or higher for each student. When a students' attendance falls below 90%, the level at which a secondary school is seen to be failing by OFSTED, the Attendance Officer will investigate and take action. Students with attendance rates of 90% and below are regarded as persistent absentees.

Absence in Term Time due to Exceptional Circumstances

Nower Hill High School will not authorise absence in term time unless it is for exceptional circumstances. Please be aware that unauthorised absences could mean that the parent/carer may incur a fixed penalty fine and/or prosecution by the Local Authority.

For any absence due to exceptional circumstances, permission must be sought in writing from the Headteacher well in advance and before any travel is booked.

Please note that your travel documents will be required as evidence.

Religious Days

In line with Harrow Council's policies and having taken advice from SACRE, the school has limited the number of religious days that may be taken as an authorised absence to 3 days per school year. These may not be taken consecutively and parents must inform the school if their child is absent due to religious observance.

Attendance: Absence Procedures for Students

Our attendance target is a minimum of 96% for each student. 

We ask parents/carers for their support in:

  • Encouraging their child to attend school regularly and punctually and to appreciate the importance of good attendance.
  • Making every attempt to arrange dental and medical appointments outside of school hours.

However, if you child is unable to attend school the following procedure should be followed:

  • Inform the school on the first morning of any absence, indicating the cause and likely duration of the absence.
    Tel: 0208 863 0877 and choose the option to leave a message to report your child's absence, or email 

Punctuality and Unreported Absence

The school uses SIMS 'In Touch' to notify parents and carers by text or email on a daily basis if their child arrives late to school. If you receive such a message, please discuss this with your child and take action to ensure that they arrive punctually to school in future. You will also receive a message in the case of unreported absence and should you do so, for safeguarding reasons we would ask you to respond to us immediately.

Satchel:One App

Parents are able to monitor their child's attendance and punctuality to lessons by using the Satchel:One App. 


Page Downloads Date  
Attendance Policy 2024 21st Jun 2023 Download
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